Wednesday 3 August 2011


No one answers a woman,without the desire to bearing children and carrying their own babies a lot of women out there are going through agony and sorrow because that are not yet mothers but i remind about the word of God in psalm127:3 that children are gift from God.

   Friends i know many of you are going through pains begging God to bless you with your own child,please be patient with God don not destroy your peace or joy. believe he who created you the maker of heaven and earth and the owner of children in all sincerity of heart he will give you because he promise that non shall be baren just cast your burden on him according to mathew11:28 and you will testify.
    please if any of you will need any information on fertility  and how to be one just call on me with my number or email me.see you again and remain blessed and focus.


Hi friends am sorry for along time i have not been on line please accept my apology .talking about the present discussion concerning woman and motherhood,we cant talk about them without defining what they each mean so for the sake of wisdom we define woman according to the oxford advance learners means an adult female or female humans and they are your mother,aunt,sister girl or wife.that is according to human point of view,

But God showed who a woman is in the bible according to the book genesis2:21-23,where he formed woman by taking one rib from Adam after making him fall into a deep sleep and with that he the LORD ALMIGHTY made a woman and when the man Adam woke up he saw someone that looks like him for the first time and he called her woman because she is the bone of his bone and the flesh of his flesh and that is how woman came into being above all god created her to be a help mate to Adam and companion.

      Looking at motherhood it means a female parent both inhuman ,animals and birds.she is a care giver to the young,motherhood means the state of being a mother you cannot be a mother without your giving birth to a child.
            The woman and motherhood are known for productivity, continuity and life they are the carriers of multiplication on earth.Talk of a woman and you see a family,a village,a state and a nation this is only to point out a little of what woman is capable of doing.

Saturday 4 June 2011

Woman of Purpose

         I'm probably going to say some things here that will disappoint many. There are some that may look back over the years and say "man I really blew it" I'm not writing the following to scold for failures, but rather to help those who are young enough to put into practice what God wills for their life, and also to those of us who are in our middle years that still have time to change some things, in order to please God and find a peace that only being in His will can bring.

         I'm sure we can all agree that God made everything on purpose. He makes nothing by accident. Nothing is happy until it finds the purpose for which God has make it. Seems like all we hear these days is "I want my rights". Everyone is talking this way....but what about my purpose..or my place. That is what I want to address here.

         You have only one right in life. And that is to find God's will and purpose for your life. Then sit securely and work actively right in the center of God's purpose and place for you. It is really the only way to find contentment. To be in the will of God is the highest honor given us. God has a specific purpose for each of His creatures. So, God then has a purpose for women.

         First let me say that God didn't create man for you. Yep! you heard me right. God created you to be a help meet for man. You see ladies, I believe God saved the best for last....woman....created after everything else..Because man was incomplete...He had it all there in the garden. Every perfect thing and direct fellowship with God. But God saw that something was missing...He wanted Adam to have the best of everything, every desire met. So, to top off a perfect world He created woman FOR THE MAN.

          Man needed someone to see how much he could lift and to say "My you are strong". But there was no one, Maybe he took a lap around the garden and there was no one to say.."Wow, you are the fastest runner I know!" God made woman to sit on the sidelines and cheer when a man succeeds. God made a woman to sit in the audience while her husband preaches and say. "That’s the best preacher in the world". That is why God made woman. He made her to be man's help meet. God made woman for man! The word "help meet" means "completer." Like finishing a circle...a completion. No, God didn't see a child needing care and say "I'm going to send somebody down to take care of that child". He didn't say "that baby needs a diaper change; I'll create someone to take care of that". Nor did He say "there's a dirty house, I'll send someone to clean". And as much as we would like to believe this He didn't say, "I'm going to send her down for man to love and protect". God didn't send you down to be helped; God sent you down to help
         For those of you who have been blessed with the joy of a child, I'm sure there was a time where you thought, "this is flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone and blood of my blood," and from experience I know what a sweet time that is. What a blessing! But that is not why God made you. You did not fulfill the purpose of being a woman that day. God did bless us with the ability to have children, but that is not the main reason for your existence. You can be a good mother and be a failure. You can be the best mother who ever lived and still be a failure.

         God looked down and saw that man was not a complete package. He saw that he could not make it by himself and God said, "I'm going to make someone to complete him. Like a noun with no verb. Like a three sided square. There was something missing in man so He made you to complete him. That is your purpose. So, that being the case, God made you to be the aggressor. Yes, woman is to be the weaker vessel
1Pe 3:7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel,
But man has more need than woman does.

         Let's put it this way, woman comes to an incomplete man, completes him, and then reaps the benefits. That's her job-to be the aggressor, to complete man so he can lead her, but he needs woman to start him! How do we do this? Take interest in his job...not just the paycheck..learn ask questions...let him know how important you feel whatever he does is. Does he like sports? Whatever he enjoys act interested. Be supportive. If he catches a 6-inch fish, say "wow that is a whale.

        Of course there isn't a "women's libber alive that sees any truth in what I'm trying to say here. Do you know what these women's libbers are? They are a group of confused women trying to find happiness and failing because they are searching outside of God's Word and God's plan. They say, "I have my rights too". No they don't-not yet! A woman does not have any right in this world until she's done this. Check it in the Bible; Always in the Bible she is to be the follower;
Eph 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
Then in verse 25;
Eph 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
Who's supposed to start it? The wives! In Ephesians 6:1 we find,
Eph 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. and then in verse 4, Eph 6:4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
         What does that mean? God gives the command first to the follower. He says, "I want the wife to do her job first". That means He wants the child to obey the first. That means He wants the child to obey even if the dad is never the right kind of dad. To obey regardless! Now let’s look at another example from the Word of God,
Eph 6:5 Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ;
and then in verse 9 the masters are exhorted to be good masters. God always puts on the follower the burden of having the initiative and the being aggressive. Wives, you do it first. Children, you do it first. Servants you do it first.

         He wasn't made to help you in the home, but if he does that is an added blessing, but it is not part of God's plan. You were made for him not the other way around. Man's main business is outside the home, woman’s in. It’s our domain, our castle. So he doesn’t clean, give you the attention that you crave, well the Bible doesn’t say he's supposed to do that. You be what you ought to be so you can make your man to be what he ought to be to you.

At this point right here I would love to address how we should raise our daughters...but that is for another page (smiles). Let me just say here that we should be setting an example that says to our girls...I am in the will of them how to spoil their dad, so one day it will come natural to be the help meet that God intends them to be.

         Now I suppose that there are some young ladies out there that are wondering how all this should concern them now. Well girls, there is a father in your home, a boss at work, a preacher who needs your prayers, your obedience, start now where God has you and then when your TIME comes, the natural thing will be to do that which God has ordained. Are you praying for the right man? For someone who will love the Lord more than he loves you? That is what makes it all work. Pray ask God to open and shut the doors of your heart when need be. It is not all looks, believe me the Bible is so right when it says...
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jer. 17:9

A Ladies Guide to Fighting a Hectic Day

The birds are singing, the sun is shining, and you’re ready to take on the day and all it promises. You take a shower, grab a cup of coffee, and begin to assemble an outfit for the day. Grabbing your favorite pair of jeans and that new top you love, you head over to the mirror for a quick glance, expecting to find, if nothing else, an acceptable reflection staring back at you. That’s when things go wrong. You look in the mirror and low and behold, you’re mortified with what you see! The next half an hour is filled with various wardrobe changes, tears, and an abundance of rejected tops and bottoms strewn about your once clean bedroom floor. It has happened to all of us as at some point. The dreaded “hectic or fat day,” does not discriminate against age or size. Instead, it affects women all over— driving them to tears and their male counterparts to insanity. Fortunately, while you’re bound to have one at some point, there are a few things you can do to help improve the way you view that person staring back in the mirror.
Take a BreathBefore you get on that one way street to a mini meltdown, stop and take a breath. More often than not your reaction is based less on fact and more on emotional fiction. The chances that you’ve all of a sudden ballooned out of the pants you wore two days ago are highly unlikely. Pause for a moment and remind yourself that you look the same as you did yesterday morning. Take a deep breath and start over. Sure, you may still feel bloated and uncomfortable in your clothing, but at least you’ve recognized the irrational nature of your predicament. 
Recognize Your Best AssetOne of the best ways to really reduce the “fat day” feeling is to recognize and utilize your best assets. What part of your body makes you particularly proud to be you? Once you’ve decided what part of your body you feel looks the best, choose clothing that accentuates it. Whether it’s your legs, arms, chest, or behind, find clothing that really utilizes that part of your body. By focusing on a positive attribute, you are more likely to begin to feel good about yourself. In many ways, this can be a saving grace for the “fat day” funk.
Learn a Few Tricks
Have you ever noticed that some colors, cuts, or styles make you look thinner? The ability of clothing to create a slimming look is no secret. In fact, everyone from runway models to everyday women use a few fashion tricks here and there to make themselves look and feel better. Here are a few tips that will help you deal with a particularly horrible day in front of the mirror.
  • Dark clothing is slimming.
  • The support of a good bra is unbeatable and can make you feel better instantly.
  • V-neck tops help to slim your figure by elongating the torso.
  • Long necklaces will also work to elongate the torso.
  • A wide belt around your waste can really work to your advantage
  • Dark denim is your best friend.
  • Matching tights, stockings, or leggings with shoes can help create a longer/taller appearance.
If all else fails and you’ve barely made it from bedroom to work without a major melt down, always remember that tomorrow is another day. While you may feel less than your best today, tomorrow promises a whole new day full of possibility. So walk away from the mirror, dry your eyes, put your chin up, and head out to meet the world with a smile.

Makeup Tips: The Do's & Don's

Many women use make up everyday.  Most will use make up during special occasions? If you are completely covering your face in make up or simply wearing some lipstick and eyeliner, it is important to use products that are safe for your skin.  You should know that there are major cosmetic companies that make products made with chemicals that are harmful to your face.  Learning how you can take out the dangerous products and use only good ones is important for your health. 

You may wander way companies would use something dangerous in their products. It is simple, businesses have one goal and that is to make money.  Cosmetic ingredients that are not safe are usually cheaper than the alternative make up that is being produced.  Harmful ingredients are going to create a better-looking product in some cases.  They do not tell you that after using the beautiful colors of eye shadow, your face may break out!

There are however, many companies realize that their customers are becoming smarter and want to know about their products before they use them.  Our facial skin is very sensitive and it is very important to use the best products that you can.  If you are looking for inexpensive or high end products, there are cosmetics, moisturizers, toners, and many other items that are going to be available out there for you so that you are not risking harmful consequences. 

Some of the common dangerous ingredients to look out for when purchasing these items for your face are Methyl, Propyl, Butyl, and Ethyl. These are very well known toxins and can cause allergic reaction in many people. These chemicals are extremely cheap and are often used to kill bacterial growth in your products.  Many companies are using them.

You should also be careful of Propylene Glycol and DMDM Hydrantion. These products are used in anti-freeze!  Many of these products have been linked to abnormal kidney and liver function and can actually cause permanent damage to your organs.

You need to be very careful of what you put on your lips too. Most of the synthetic colors like C Yellow 6 can be dangerous to your skin and your body and when you put this chemical on your lips, you are eating poison to say the least. One time may not affect you, but after wearing the lipstick for a long period of time, you can start to feel the results.  It is like smoking cigarettes on a regular basis.

So that you are safe, you should ask your dermatologist or doctor to recommend about what kinds of products to use.  You need to be sure that your products are safe so that you can be safe and healthy.  The healthier your skin is the younger you will look and you will be happier too. 

7 Beauty Tips for Looking Younger

Healthy, beautiful skin starts from within. Here are some timeless secrets to younger looking skin, no matter what your age.

Ever since Eve took that first bite of the apple, the human race has been obessed with beauty.
The truth is we begin the aging process just as soon as we pop out of the womb. Every day of our lives our bodies slough off and regenerate new cells. The speed at which that process takes place when we are children is vastly different as we get older.

Every day you are bombarded daily with commercial messages and beauty tips that attempt to lure you into believing that the most recent miracle drug is just what you need to fight off the ravages of Mother Nature.
We are living longer as a whole. Singularly, that can be a curse or a blessing, depending on your perspective.
The best route to natural beauty and healthy skin is to take care of what you have. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? The truth is that your skin takes a beating from the environment every single day. Here are some of our favorite beauty tips for keeping your skin fresh and healthy:

1: Stay hydrated and do it with plenty of water! That does not mean soda, caffeine or any other type of liquid, even if it is low cal. Soda (even diet soda) has a high concentration of sodium. Sodium retains fluids. You need fluid that will hydrate and flush your body free of toxins. Make sure you are drinking at least 8 glasses a day!

2: Protect your skin from harmful ultra violet (UV) rays. We all love the sun. We love being in it and we love having a beautiful tan. The truth is you can poison yourself with too much sunshine. UV rays cause skin cancer and if that isn’t bad enough it causes your skin to age faster than it should, contributing to unsightly wrinkles. If you must play in the sun, make certain you are using an adequate sun screen. Don’t leave home without it!

3: Keep your skin clean. Use a soft warm cloth. Skin does not require scrubbing. You will do more harm than good if you do.

4: The best cure for wrinkles is to never have them in the first place! If you are like most of us, you didn’t listen to your Mom when she tried to tell you to stay in the shade, stand up straight and stop squinting!

5: Eat healthy. Knowing how and what to eat, can make a huge difference in how you feel. Improper eating habits can cause depression, weight gain, illness and an overall lethargy.
Weight gain causes your skin to stretch. As you get older, it loses it's elasticity and you're left with sagging skin.
The best solution to this is to maintain a proper weight.
A rule of thumb for eating habits are...don't eat more calories than you consume. Don't go one single day without doing something extra and physical for at least 30 minutes per day. This can be three ten minute walks. Or 30 minutes of vigorous aerobics, or 12 minutes of weight lifting and 18 minutes of walking.

6: Don't worry, be happy. A happy outlook appears to trigger the release of endorphins. Endorphins relax the cardiovascular system and cytokines which alert the immune system to pay attention in detecting abnormalities like cancer cells. Listen carefully to yourself. If you have put yourself down since childhood, over a lifetime, negative subliminal messages can take their toll by turning you into a pessimist. Spend one week writing down the phrases you use in your “self talk.” Chances are you will find that you repeat a dozen or so phrases over and over again that reinforce that negative image. If you know about them, you can change them. Outer beauty and inner joy go hand in hand.

Here are a few quick tips for increasing joy, hope and optimism that will work no matter what your age:
  • Make a list of at least 50 great things that happen to you every day.
  • Laugh a lot. You’ll heal your body and your mind.
  • Discover a new challenge each month.
  • Try meditating on God's Word for just five minutes each day.
7: Sex After 50 – Ha! How many of you jumped ahead to this section?
The importance of physical intimacy actually depends on the couple. An alarming number of men used to give up on sex after 60 and many women used to feel that their sex life ended with menopause. Thankfully, that is no longer the case.

Sex at middle age can actually become better and more satisfying than ever before. Maturity gives a couple more experience in lovemaking. The children are usually grown and left home. The pressures of building a career and day to day life are usually less stressful than in younger years.

Is beauty really skin deep?
The answer is yes and no.  It’s a paradox, isn’t it? True beauty begins from the inside out. Don’t you wish there was some way to “wriggle your nose” and regain that soft skin you had as a child? Well, until someone comes up with the true “Fountain of Youth” we are stuck with what we have.
Just remember that getting older doesn't have to mean getting old.

Friday 3 June 2011

Love Your Body, Forgive Your "Self"

This may sound a bit odd coming from me, but I believe that regardless of what you eat - how many times each week you exercise or what particular diet you decide to try - if you do not have your inner life in order, it will be difficult to be at peace with yourself and your body.
In discussing ways to love your body, therefore, it is important to look at ways we can have peace with ourselves. Moreover, in this article, we will discuss an idea you may not have considered: forgiveness.

The Past Is The Past, Let It Go:
The most important process we can undertake for our health and well being is to make a conscious effort not to leave negative energy embedded in the past. In effort to move into present time, and be at one with our own body, it becomes essential to let go of all the hurts and struggles that have led us to this moment. There is only one road to this state of oneness, however: The act of letting go.

As it turns out, I'm not the only one who stands by the belief system of releasing the past in effort to improve the health of our minds, as well as our body and spirit. Carolyn Myss in her healing lecture series: Why People Don't Heal, makes the claim that forgiveness is the #1 way to move forward in health. And she can back it up. She has used the healing process of letting go to transform people from near death to glowing health. With this in mind then, ask yourself: Is there anyone or anything from my past which prevents me from moving forward? Said differently: is there something in your past that's holding you back?

Learn To Forgive Others, The Process:
This brings us to the next step in our progress of releasing the past: learning to forgive others. Keep in mind, most often others say and do things as a result of how they are feeling about themselves. In most cases, whether they are aware of it or not, unhealthy individuals inflict their wounds upon us to salve their own pain. This can no longer affect us if we make a full effort to do as Don Miguel Ruiz says in his book The Four Agreements, and "not take things personally." When we do take things personally, we really could gather up a lifetime of emotional baggage.

As it pertains to body image and self-esteem, however, is there anyone you need to forgive? Has someone knowingly or unknowingly inflicted a negative body view onto you? Here's my personal example: When I was in high school, I had a "friend" who was popular, pretty and blonde. As an introvert and troubled youth, I took everything most personally. Imagine my emotional baggage when any time I would so much as mention my interest in a particular boy, she'd make sure she would go out of her way to get his interest.
Needless to say our friendship wasn't long term. And later I learned she was living in an unstable home. Yet, when I was younger, her actions just plain hurt my feelings and gave me a negative self image. Now I realize my insecurities at the time were my wounds to heal, and once I'd forgiven her and not taken her actions personally, I could move forward without holding on to past insecurity.

Learn To Live In the Present, An Exercise:
When we can learn to let go of the past and live fully in the present, we are also growing. After all, how could we grow if we have negative energy lodged in the past? Moreover, there are many other active ways to learn to live in the present. Begin the process by taking a current inventory of your body. I like to do this by using my journal (you do have a journal, don't you?)

Here's how it works:
• Take a scan of your body. First take body part by body part and make a note of what you are happy about. Ask yourself: What do I love about me? At first this may seem awkward, but I cannot stress the importance of taking time to spend time with your self and learning to know "you."

• After you've noted all the positive aspects of your self, make note of those parts you'd like to change. Keep in mind your boundaries - are these changes within your control? If so, make notes to yourself as to how you may go about making a change for the better. If changes are out of your control - take time every day to consciously send love to those parts of your body. When ever possible, tell your mind that you accept your body and your self for who you are, right now.

• When you've finished, take a look at your list. What can you do right now that would make you love a part of yourself? Consider this your permission slip: Today take time to do something good for yourself. Better yet, walk to the phone right now and make an appointment to do something for your self. My favorite self-love activities? Here's a couple suggestions. Ladies: A manicure or pedicure? Gentlemen: A massage?
Today, take time to focus on all of your positive qualities. Make an effort to forgive the past and move into the present moment. Prepare to grow!

Journal Entries:
Make note: What do I love about myself?
What can I do for myself this week that is "just for me"?