Wednesday 3 August 2011


No one answers a woman,without the desire to bearing children and carrying their own babies a lot of women out there are going through agony and sorrow because that are not yet mothers but i remind about the word of God in psalm127:3 that children are gift from God.

   Friends i know many of you are going through pains begging God to bless you with your own child,please be patient with God don not destroy your peace or joy. believe he who created you the maker of heaven and earth and the owner of children in all sincerity of heart he will give you because he promise that non shall be baren just cast your burden on him according to mathew11:28 and you will testify.
    please if any of you will need any information on fertility  and how to be one just call on me with my number or email me.see you again and remain blessed and focus.


Hi friends am sorry for along time i have not been on line please accept my apology .talking about the present discussion concerning woman and motherhood,we cant talk about them without defining what they each mean so for the sake of wisdom we define woman according to the oxford advance learners means an adult female or female humans and they are your mother,aunt,sister girl or wife.that is according to human point of view,

But God showed who a woman is in the bible according to the book genesis2:21-23,where he formed woman by taking one rib from Adam after making him fall into a deep sleep and with that he the LORD ALMIGHTY made a woman and when the man Adam woke up he saw someone that looks like him for the first time and he called her woman because she is the bone of his bone and the flesh of his flesh and that is how woman came into being above all god created her to be a help mate to Adam and companion.

      Looking at motherhood it means a female parent both inhuman ,animals and birds.she is a care giver to the young,motherhood means the state of being a mother you cannot be a mother without your giving birth to a child.
            The woman and motherhood are known for productivity, continuity and life they are the carriers of multiplication on earth.Talk of a woman and you see a family,a village,a state and a nation this is only to point out a little of what woman is capable of doing.